output to give us a Tx signal. Phil C suggested using a AD9954 for this and
any analogue front ends we may use. I agree that the level of spurs we get
from the NCO are likely to be similar to the AD9954, the latter will be much
easier to implement.
I also support the idea of multiple FPGA's. One that talks to the outside
world (USB, PTT, key etc) and the backplane - i.e. just what Leon is
designing now. If we need others then lets add them on a board-by-board
basis e.g. the LTC2208 should have its own dedicated FPGA and decimate
down to low frequency signals to pass over the backplane.
Multiple high frequecy clocks and signals over the backplane seems like
asking for trouble.
At the moment we have two boards plus the backplane thought throught.
1. USB etc and backplane interface board with Cyclone II FPGA.
2. Sound card replacement board - Wolfson A/D (or TI etc) for Rx I/Q
signals and TVL320 microphone/line input. Dual D/A converters,
speakers/headset and I/Q to QSE. Looks like this board could also do CW
Tx ( I/Q signals and keyer plus sidetone ) if wanted.
Future boards
3. LTC 2208 with FPGA for Rx. NCO inside FPGA with D/A converter to
provide Tx local oscillator.
4. Ham band BPF board, use bus switches so can be switched into Rx or Tx
chain. HPF's, LPF's, switchable attenuators and preamp(s).
5. Rf board - QSD/QSE with AD9954 DDS and say 1W output ( only use QSD if
we solve NF problems). PIN diode or bus switches for fast Tx/Rx swithcing.
We need to be able to phase modulate the NCO/DDS on Tx at audio rates so we
can use a high efficiency PA design later on.
The LTC board could form the basis of a nice digital scope or spectrum
How are we doing?
73's Phil...VK6APH