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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Saxo
On 1/23/06, Edson Pereira <ewp_jp@ybb.ne.jp> wrote:
> Phil,
> The USB audio stream could be handled using the USB Audio Class
> specification. The other functions could all be implemented using the
> USB HID specs. Both device drivers are included with all modern OSes.
> The nice thing is that a good amount of though has gone in the
> implementation of the USB Audio spec specially regarding low latency.
> The specs for the USB HID is quite extensible and a lot of things can be
> done. Most USB gadgets that do not need low latency high speed transfers
> use the HID specs. USB keyboard, mice, etc. are all USB HID. One other
> very important advange I also see is that both specs are well
> established standards.
A USB sound driver for the FX2 is definitely doable. I have no
personal use for it, but if someone would like to take up the task
then I can help point them in the right direction. To be a sound
device the driver just has to implement the correct interfaces and
register itself with certain capabilities. The task of writing the
driver will not be much fun and will take some serious debugging time.
There is no need for a sound driver if you have the source code of the
application you intend to use such as PowerSDR. Personally, I am not
interested in using it with software that I do not have the source
code to. My interest in the Wolfson/TI/Cirrus ADC would be in
combining it with the QSD on the same board... not as a sound card
replacement otherwise...
Phil C