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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Admin: Change in Reflector
Wow fantastic!
Thanks for all the hard work!
Since there have not been very many posts of late----
What's the progress report?
-----Original Message-----
From: xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us [mailto:xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us]
On Behalf Of Don AE5K
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:37 PM
To: Xylo-SDR Discussion
Subject: [Xylo-SDR] Admin: Change in Reflector
To All Xylo-SDR List Subscribers:
***Please read this as it affects your subscription***
As announced by Eric a short time ago, this reflector is changing its
name to HPSDR. There has been a scurry of activity behind the scenes
today to make the change.
A new domain name was registered: hpsdr.org
A new web page was set up: http://hpsdr.org
A new reflector/discussion list was set up: HPSDR
As a present subscriber to this Xylo-SDR list, here's what YOU need to do:
1. If you have spam filtering either on your computer or through your
ISP, make sure you "whitelist" or somehow allow the new reflector email
to reach you. It will be coming from the hpsdr.org domain.
2. Do *NOT* unsubscribe from this Xylo-SDR list!
3. Do *NOT* attempt to subscribe to the new HPSDR list!
4. When you receive the "Welcome" to the HPSDR Discussion List email
message, make note of the information and change your address book
accordingly. You should receive this message tomorrow (Thursday U.S. Time).
The changeover of subscription should be otherwise automatic for you. I
will subscribe you to the new HPSDR Discussion List, and a day or so
later will unsubscribe you from the Xylo-SDR list.
>From experience, the 81 present subscribers to this list will not all
get changed over flawlessly. Murphy is lurking. If you have followed
the four steps above and somehow things are not working right (e.g.,
you're not getting message postings, or you don't get a "welcome"
message within the next 24-36 hours), please email me directly for
assistance. We really don't want to lose anybody!!!
NOTE: for those who may also be subscribed to Phil Covington's Yahoo
list by the name HPSDR, that list is really being merged into this one
and subscribers to that list will be asked to subscribe to this one. If
you belong to both lists, you don't need to resubscribe again.
Don AE5K
HPSDR List Administrator
Xylo-SDR List Administrator
Xylo-SDR mailing list
To post msg: Xylo-SDR@ae5k.us
Subscription help: http://lists.ae5k.us/listinfo.cgi/xylo-sdr-ae5k.us
Xylo-SDR web page: http://xylo-sdr.ae5k.us
Forum pages: http://www.hamsdr.com/hamsdrforum/
Archives: http://lists.ae5k.us/pipermail/xylo-sdr-ae5k.us/