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[Xylo-SDR] Group discussion on Motherboard Gross design.



Here is the Xylogroup forum audio for 1-26-06 at 0100


The discussion was the motherboard design.


We talked a lot and really accomplished some new/ (old) concepts.


No ultra high speed conditions on buss suggested 50 mhz max.


Several high speed lvds and or coax connections suggested coming off Lionheart.


Project boards requiring very high speeds need to design on board FPGA.


I will write the gross specification and post a visio diagram in the near future and also describe what we decided here. We did not approach what was going on the buss pins, nor did we discuss what was going on the layers. I truly hope to see some solid design for the layers and the routes in the week(s) to come. Then we will go to copper. That is for the next round in design.


What we did do was discuss the actual board and parameters we will work with:


The board gross design:


4 Layers

4 sets of holes for 96 Pin DIN connectors spaced uniformly on the board.

Spacing of slots will match with the board slots on a standard PC enclosure.

20 Pin ATX power connector mounted parallel to the buss, on the side facing away from outside world connections of mounted boards.

Berg connector for ATX Power Supply Switching. SPST cold contact to ground

Berg connector(s) for led power indicator(s)

Not discussed, but possible, SIP sockets for terminating resistor packs at one end of board.




Single board manufactured.


4 Slots adequate for most user’s experimenting with FPGA.


Straight forward design.


All parts (except MB and ATX conn) obtainable in 1 quantity.


Kit’able’ for average person with a soldering iron.


Universal appeal and ‘sales’ beyond ham radio.


Multiple boards can be daisy chained by placing right angle M/F 96 pin DIN connectors at the ends of the boards. i.e. 2 boards yield 6 slots. Three yield 8 slots and expandable by 2.


Next subject “What dedicated features do we want on the buss?”



Power and Ground.


After that: “lay down the tracks”





Forum Audio:





Eric – AA4SW