Folks Just visited our own personal
XYLO SVN on this website, using TortoiseSVN. WOW what a free product! Nothing
posted there yet, however I'm sure Phil and Phil can get us started with
project code. This IS the only way to fly on software projects. (not
necessarily the Windows TortoiseSVN product, but SVN versioning!) To get the client you can go
to: This is not the only SVN
product, but the docs are great and docs and scripted customizations and client
side control panel are understandable and a neat feature. You can go to the
code by right clicking on almost any icon on your desktop. To get to the as yet started
Xylo code enter this sting in the URL svn:// Course if you want to check out
and do coding you will have to get a username and password from Dale Eric AA4SW |