----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 12:18
Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Xylo
I think then that that dark layer in the middle of the board is
I had a email from Jean this morning, and he is going to be
making a Cyclone II board next year.
I was looking at some of the
other Altera FPGA's and wow! The Flex series has up to 26K LEs, runs at 1 GHz,
and up to 1000 user I/O pins. I bet that one is more than $20 Just the board
to hold this 1506 pin IC will cost more than $20.
Some of the really big FPGAs cost 1000s of $! Xilinx has some with four
Power PC CPUs included.