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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Wolfson - Xylo interface working
Hi Phil,
Good deal! Congratulations on getting it worked out.
This should give the ability to test with all of the different ADCs
that are being considered.
Next would be to put the QSD on board with the ADC with the balanced
output of the QSD into the balanced input of the ADC.
73 de Phil N8VB
On 12/26/05, Phil Harman <pvharman@arach.net.au> wrote:
> Managed to get the Wolfson A/D converter talking to the Xylo and then over
> the USB to PortAudio. Looks like it is going to work very well since the
> data from the Wolfson is very clean.
> Still a bit of tidying up of the code to do but will post it thereafter.
> Many thanks to Jeff WA6AHL for the Verilog assitance and Bill KD5TFD for the
> help with debugging the C code. Bill is looking at adding this into
> PowerSDR so the first setp in removing the sound card is close now.
> 73's Phil.... VK6APH
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