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Re: [Xylo-SDR] My ADC board
Great... I hope the next phase of development uses this really nice device. I was going to order 2 or 3 today, but got distracted creating the device in Kicad. If you are following the design stuff they have on the Cirrus site and developing a circuit board we can interface to with the Xylo = Saxo development GREAT!
I found a site which sells protyping boards today, but forgot to e-mail it to myself here at home.
My Saxo board shipped today!
Yours in expeimentation!
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Leon Heller" <leon.heller@bulldoghome.com>
> Just got my CS5381 chips from RS. They should be available from them in the
> US, also:
> http://rswww.com
> I've also got a 24.7576 MHz oscillator, but I slipped up and ordered a 5V
> one. I'll put a potential divider on the output to make it compatible with
> the Wolfson MCLK input. It will probably work OK on 3.3V, anyway. Golledge
> here in the UK makes some nice little SM 3.3 oscillators, I'll get a couple
> of samples when they get back next week:
> http://www.golledge.co.uk/pdf/products/osc_sm/gxo5331.pdf
> I'll put one of them on my prototype, as well as the DIL one.
> Just waiting for some stereo sockets so I can check the footprints before
> finishing the PCB layout. I'm sure I've got some, somewhere, but can't find
> them.
> Leon
> --
> Leon Heller, G1HSM
> leon.heller@bulldoghome.com
> http://www.geocities.com/leon_heller
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