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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Questions - Enclosure - MB - Kicad
Yes, if you could come up with a simple drawing of the board positions
and how you want to fit it into a case it would help a lot. Then we
can see whether we can arrange things within the limits of the
motherboard size of approx 4 x 4". I checked tonight and it looks
like a 4 layer 4x4" PCB would be about $25/ea in a batch of 25 boards.
I would like to get this pinned down because I want to get started on
a LTC2208 2x4" format board.
As far as no active components on the motherboard: I think we should
have a smt LED for each of the power buses on the motherboard.
73 de Phil N8VB
On 1/11/06, Eric Ellison <ecellison@comcast.net> wrote:
> Phil
> Spectacular! I advocate Kicad! If we could import the parts it is BETTER
> than Eagle. (smile).
> I'll try to get a 'picture' of the MB. I would like to keep the 2x4 design
> for the front mounted components and add 1 4x4 board to the rear to
> accommodate larger parts such as Phil's BPF board, and have the rear mounted
> board have access to the buss, although not necessarily many of the
> connections. The rear facing board would have the power supply, antenna
> connections facing rearward.
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us [mailto:xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us]
> On Behalf Of Philip Covington
> Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:14 PM
> To: Xylo-SDR Discussion
> Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Questions - Enclosure - MB - Kicad
> On 1/11/06, Eric Ellison <ecellison@comcast.net> wrote:
> > Stupid question. Is it possible to mount one 96 pin staggered connector on
> > the back of the Motherboard. My dyslexic mind can't figure it. Are all the
> > traces on plated through holes in 2 planes.
> Don't know what you mean here. Can you make a drawing of what you are
> proposing?
> > Kicad posted a new version in the last few days. Someone on the forum
> > contributed a parts designer. Drill stuff was apparently solved in a
> > December (or earlier) release. I'm back to Kicad, it REALLY IS an elegant
> > program. There is an Oracad translator but didn't see if this was for
> > 'parts' or schematics or what. I didn't see an Eagle .lib translator, but
> > that WOULD be great!
> There is. It is called exp-kicad-lib.ulp
> http://www.philcovington.com/BAK/exp-kicad-lib.ulp
> You have to run it from inside Eagle as a user language program. It
> will export the libraries in Kicad format.
> Also, I am able to know compile Kicad on Windows (I could only
> successfully compile it under Linux before) so if anyone is interested
> I can tell you what I did to get the enviroment set up to compile it.
> 73 de Phil N8VB
> >
> >
> > Eric
> >
> >
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