I have had some problems finding a suitable 1.2V 1.2 A regulator for the
Cyclone II core supply; I suppose the suppliers are having trouble keeping
up with demand. Luckily Mouser has plenty of FAN1112NX devices in stock
used on the S3 board I've got), and I've ordered some. I'm also using the
same LM1086 device as the S3 board for the 3.3V supply, Farnell had those
stock and I've just received some. I'd forgotten that I had some of the
Altera EPC1S configuration devices in stock, I ordered them a long time
for use with the standard Cyclone. I just need to get hold of some of the
FX2 chips and 96-way connectors. I'll then have all the parts I need and
finish the schematic.
73, Leon
Leon Heller, G1HSM
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