I therefore propose that we increase the proposed project card size from 2x4
to 4x4 which is a 'happy medium' which Phil suggests below. This also allows
for Phil - VK6APH BPF board, A Jupiter GPS receiver etc. For 'Dead Bug'
expeimenters like Bill - KD5TFD, he could use a 4x6 full length card and
have 2" sticking out the front for experimenting without a card extender. It
also allows us to get on with Motherboard design with a maximum vertical
dimension of 96 mm. (case height between lands). I propose the motherboard
height dimension be the the size of the 96 pin mating connector (3.7"). The
holes in the connector will mate with standoffs for rigidity.
I think a 4x6x4 enclosure would make a cute little radio!