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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Teamspeak FPGA discussion - Have we paintedourselves into a corner? Boxed ourselves in?
I'll post the audio from our session. It is a bit long but shows our
ignorance and confusion, about various topics.
Your #1 below is what I suggested on TS, but Cecil rejected the thought of
having 'fragile' connections going from board to board outside the
enclosure. SMB or MCX is what I suggested the other day but it really
depends on how many intra board connections we want.
Rose Bopla has an enclosure which is 195 X 166 which would definitely allow
your #3 below and I think there would be enough rigidness with the connector
and one card guide. Will check on price on Monday. This would allow us to
run an entire second twisted pair bus over the tops of the boards. Connect
if you want. forget it if you don't.
Another option, although I don't have the milling tools to do it, is cut a
slot across the bottom of the enclosure to allow board access and perhaps a
flat idc ribbon cable across the bottom of the boards. I'm pretty sure they
have twisted pair IDC cables.
What I am shooting for here is giving you all the high speed connections you
need from the radio to the FPGA, including your 16 data lines. (Anyone
else's board for that matter.)
Looking at all these options, I like your #3. Or skip this buss and go to a
-----Original Message-----
From: xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us [mailto:xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us]
On Behalf Of Philip Covington
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:21 PM
To: Xylo-SDR Discussion
Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Teamspeak FPGA discussion - Have we paintedourselves
into a corner? Boxed ourselves in?
On 1/21/06, Eric Ellison <ecellison@comcast.net> wrote:
> Just for verbal clarification regarding the project enclosure: Designers
> have ONLY ONE 100 mm edge for connections to the outside world.
> between boards can ONLY be done over the buss. The other three sides are
> totally blocked by the enclosure and backplane.
> Cecil, Bill and I did discuss possible options for board interconnects
> on the bus for RF or lvds sigs.
> Dip header (perhaps 10 pin) for twisted pair lvds sigs mounted recessed
> from the front panel on the project board. Meaning they would not protrude
> through the front panel.
> The boards when slid into the enclosure, would be about 1/8" from the
> face of the enclosure, allowing RG-174 or twisted pair to pass from board
> board, along the front of the enclosure behind the aluminum front panel.
More suggestions:
1. Mounting a SMA or SMB connector so it passes through the front
panel - the interboard connections are then done outside the box.
This would be desirable for some of the projects anyhow.
2. Specify a hole or notch location that will be in each plug in board
to allow RG-174 cable assemblies to pass through. I prefer the notch
since it would involve unplugging a board, routing the cable through
the notch, and then plugging in the board again.
3. Use a wider case so that the plug in board only slides in one side
of the board notch in the case. The board is constrained by the
backplane, the one side of the box and the front panel of the box.
The top side of the plug in boards would have a certain amount of
distance from the side of the enclosure that would allow you to pass
cable from board to board.
Phil N8VB
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