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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Teamspeak FPGA discussion - Have we paintedourselves into a corner? Boxed ourselves in?
On 1/21/06, Eric Ellison <ecellison@comcast.net> wrote:
> Lyle
> Here is what I had in mind. This one even has the ATX power connector we are
> discussing for our 96 pin backplane. A bit expensive but pci passive risers
> come as low as $15 (3 slot). In the end, our custom designed motherboard
> might be as expensive, and we have to produce it.
> http://www.rackmountnet.com/Industrial-Computer/PCI-Backplane/5-Slot-PCI-Pas
> sive-Backplane-BP-05P/
> Eric
Have you seen a schematic for any of these passive backplanes? It
would be interesting to see how they are connected.