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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Teamspeak FPGA discussion - Have we paintedourselvesinto a corner? Boxed ourselves in?
That is a really good question. I'll check the data sheet. I did see in one
spec sheet that the PCI-Express buss is supposed to be good to 2.5 ghz. I am
making the assumption also that the PCI buss connects all or most of the
traces to each card like a typical buss e.g. the S100 buss. I'm not even
sure how many traces there are. I think 96 with an optional 22. It looks to
me that the board picture in the reference also has capacitors on the power
traces, which we would be using. I really have never paid much attention to
the PCI buss, physically. (BTW Lyle you can still buy proto cards for the
s-100!) The $56 dollar 4 card slot board mentioned when I went to the broken
link, below would drop right in to an Aria case.
I think most PCB manufacturers probably have jigs, breaks and standard
thickness boards for the 'golden fingers' on PCI boards we would produce.
I am not at this point convinced at the expense of board manufacture, Ive
never priced one. I asked Jean at FPGA4FUN about his PCI board, but he would
not give me any details, just pointed me to a website with mfgrs, and
Leon might get sick and tired of us respecting the board, however, it is
still in electronic format and not in copper. We need it to do what we are
planning, before we spend the bux.
The broken link occurred when I sent it. Looked good in word (smile).
I'm still looking. I have not found the insertion data.
-----Original Message-----
From: xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us [mailto:xylo-sdr-bounces@lists.ae5k.us]
On Behalf Of Philip Covington
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:30 PM
To: Xylo-SDR Discussion
Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Teamspeak FPGA discussion - Have we
paintedourselvesinto a corner? Boxed ourselves in?
On 1/21/06, Eric Ellison <ecellison@comcast.net> wrote:
> Lyle
> Here is what I had in mind. This one even has the ATX power connector we
> discussing for our 96 pin backplane. A bit expensive but pci passive
> come as low as $15 (3 slot). In the end, our custom designed motherboard
> might be as expensive, and we have to produce it.
> sive-Backplane-BP-05P/
> Eric
I wonder how many insertion/removal cycles the PCI connectors are
rated for? Also, we need to look at the required board thickness
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