The following link may shade some light:
If I may ask, why is the PCI bus being considered?
-- Edson
Eric Ellison wrote:
>Everyone's 2 cents is of value. That's why the Reflector. In casual
>conversations with Gerald that enclosure (no matter what bus config) will
>end up being pretty expensive. I have gurgled cases till I am blue in the
>face, but have learned a lot! An ATX computer enclosure or Mini-ITX
>enclosure would be on par with SDR-100 enclosure costwise. Bene here is that
>it has powersupply, switches, indicators, mounts and other goodies, we are
>going to have to buy separately.
>Googling PCI stuff is like searching for all references to God in the bible.
>All I want to know at this point is:
>Is the PCI physical connection buss indeed a parallel buss with all pins
>connected like the s-100 or EuroBuss? I think I'm going to have to go pop
>the passive backplane out of a Dell Optiplex 150 on Monday, and Ring it out!
>I know that the PCI bus does have dedicated 5V (and newer standard 5 & 3.3
>V)lines to each card, as well as other powers. If I remember correctly the 4
>card riser in the Dell 150 has just a LED on it so ringing it out should be
>simple. I'll also e-mail the mfgr of the link I posted and ask this stupid
>question. Also how many insertions the slot connectors are good for.
>Someone might dummy up a PCI card with some IC's connected and request a
>quote from a PCB mfgr, to verify Cecil's claim of much greater expense for
>an edge card connector. Someone might check the parts cost on Jean's Dragon
>board and estimate 50% profit to find the cost of the board. Perhaps Phil_H
>can check with his mfgr for a rough estimate on a 4 layer PCI Buss card of
>say 100 cm area.
>Dunno? I do know that before we plunk down bux for our design, we want to
>maximize what we can do with each individual board, for the $ we spend.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>On Behalf Of Steve Nance
>Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:42 PM
>To: 'Xylo-SDR Discussion'
>Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Teamspeak FPGA discussion - Have we
>paintedourselvesinto a corner? Boxed ourselves in?
>Maybe it's time to re-think this enclosure business one more time.
>How about an SDR-1000 split type case with a MB/bus of whatever design in
>the bottom with the cards standing vertically. Card orientation and guides
>to be worked out. The main advantage of this design is you can get to the
>cards to work on them without having to pull the front panel. Also, there is
>a good bit of room for power supplies, oscillator(s), etc. Font/rear panels
>could be group buy or roll-ur-own
>I never have been crazy about the Euro Card closed case concept. Something
>like this makes more sense to me.
>Just my 2 cents worth.
>Steve - K5FR
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