Edson Pereira wrote:
Leon Heller wrote:
Continuing on this theme, we could have the computer (WinXP or Linux)
the box, as well. PCI interface chips are quite cheap, or FPGAs could
perform the interface function. cPCI has provision for screening of
and there are no problems incorporating RF connectors.
Then, perhaps one could plug a Delta-44 in the PCI bus and forget about
the whole FPGA and funky bus and enclosure business! :-)
The objective is not limited only to solve the current soundcard short
falls but to create a new universal platform for next-generation (3G?)
SDR experimentation, I believe.
As much as speaks for integration of the project into a computer, there
are just as many things that speak against it. The additional RF
problems would make any serious weak signal work futile, I am sure.