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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Project scope check (was Aria Case... DIN41612 Backplane...)
As Helmut points out, I misfired when replying to him - it should have
gone to the list. So now you all have to read both included messages
below to catch up.
Chris - AE6VK
-----Original Message-----
From: vk4str [mailto:vk4str@netspace.net.au]
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:58 PM
To: Christopher T. Day
Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Aria Case... DIN41612 Backplane...
I dont know if you meant to send this only to me and not to the whole
It really should be going to the list for discussion, after all everyone
should know what they are letting themselves in to.
New thread is required, objectives, scope, estimated cost, who is the
project targeting etc.
I agree with you, it looks like it will be a project in the first
instance mainly for people who can develop hard and software. In the
second instance it will be useful to people who use the work done by the
developers of the basic system, and they just add their daughterboards
Please start the thread, 73's Helmut
Christopher T. Day wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vk4str [mailto:vk4str@netspace.net.au]
> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:09 PM
> To: Christopher T. Day
> Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Aria Case... DIN41612 Backplane...
> ...
> "When a particular project has been successfully implemented on this
> platform then you could perhaps create a two board spin-off off it and
> miniaturize that for the shirt pocket, hi."
> But if all that will ever be built is a few, a few dozen even, of the
> shirt-pocket versions, why such a massive development environment?
> Doesn't it feel like overkill to you? Aren't you designing the whole
> particular project twice, once for the development environment and
> once for the "real thing"?
> ...
> "With this basic development system one should be able to plug in
> different ADC/DAC's, Codecs, QSD's etc. on small daughterboards into a
> software defined interface, for evaluation and experimentation, as one
> example."
> Wait a minute, if all the cool bits are going to be on
> custom-designed, "small" daughterboards, each with its own interface
> again, aren't we back where we started?
> Chris - AE6VK