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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Janus board block diagram
Looks like the HTML file did not make it through the system. Attached is a
GIF that should get throught OK.
I see that sending attachments causes problems - where should we send such
diagrams in the future?
Quoting Phil Harman <pvharman@arach.net.au>:
> All,
> Attached is my V1.0 block diagram of the A/D and D/A board in both Visio
> and HTML format. I've called this "Janus" after the Roman god of gates and
> doors (ianua), beginnings and endings, who could see both ways at once (
> input and outputs :) ).
> I've drawn the block diagram for the Wolfson A/D but it much the same for
> the others. The PCM4202 is does not have an I2C interface to set it up so we
> either uses jumpers, FPGA pins or an I2C I/O port etc.
> A few questions:
> Should we use the TLV320's 30mW audio amplifiers instead of the PWM A/D'S
> for our audio output? That way you could connnect a pair of headphones
> directly to the card. Disadvantage is that we are then relient on the TI
> chip in the future.
> Given that D/A's are very easy to implement in the FPGA should we add a few
> more for control of external equipment e.g. an external linear amplifier?
> The TLV320 needs to run at (24.576/2)MHz - should we derive this from the
> FPGA or add a divide by 2 to the board so this clock does not need to pass
> back over the back plane?
> Where should the audio connectors be located and what style should we use
> and/or should the signals be routed back over the backplane?
> Regards
> Phil... VK6APH