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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Lionheart Block diagram v1.3
I have found an RS232 port to be invaluable as debugging tool when
developing the FPGA code. Whilst not a patch on Altera's 'signal tap' it is
still very useful.
With regards to my question on the USB connector. I am assuming that the
boards and backplane will mount in some form of enclosure and that the front
edges of the boards will not necessarily be close to the front panel. In
which case if we have a header on the Lionheart board then we can use a
standard PC cable to place the USB socket on the panel. Same goes for the
other connectors.
If we do mount the USB connector on the PCB then is there a standard cable
that can extend the socket to the front panel?
73's Phil... VK6APH
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