Munin is a 100W HF power amplifier for Penelope and/or Hermes. This amplifier is dependent on the Alex LP filters
The project leader for Munin is Kjell LA2NI.
The name comes from the Norse Mythology: In Norse mythology, Huginn (from Old Norse hugr "thought" or "mind") and Muninn (from Old Norse munr "memory" or "mind") are a pair of ravens that fly all over the world, Midgard, and bring the god Odin information. (This information is copyed from Wikipedia)
The schematics and PCB layout is done by LA2NI. The Alpha PCB has been made by Beta Layout.(PcbPool)
The 100W PA uses a pair of RD100HHF1 in the output. They are driven by a pair of RD15HVF1 and there is also a predriver with one RD06HVF1 to get higher gain to be used with low power exciters. I have built 1 Alpha unit and it works very fine. The PEP output with -30dB 3.rd order IM is >90W on all bands from 1,5 to 55 MHz. The gain is within +- 2dB for the same frequency band.
The preliminary calculation of component cost is: US$ 130,-. This is without the heat sink. All components are delivered by known vendors.
TAPR is presently considering offering Munin as a kit of parts.