Folks I have 18 Wolfson 8785 chips 14
Wolfson 8971 codec chips 8
24 mhz oscillators for the 8785 (and other similar) 8
Oscillator sockets I’ll give these away for free in sets. I apologize
that I think I have not recorded all the original requests for my first offer
for these items. Also I know some of you got oscillators from Bill – KD5TFD
so won’t need the osc or socket. So if you will reply to this message with the above subject
line I will try to get the sets out to you by the weekend. Information I need to know: How many of which item do you need? Your mailing address. I would love to have had some prototyping boards like Bill
has pointed to, but don’t at the moment. Remember No charge for anything even postage. Payment is my
enjoyment in this project. I WILL do this again, as I have in the past. Thanks Eric – AA4SW |