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Re: [Xylo-SDR] Saxo
On 1/7/06, Edson Pereira <ewp_jp@ybb.ne.jp> wrote:
> I've just received the new Saxo board this morning! I still have a few
> things to resolve since I will be using Linux for playing with the board.
I too would soon be taking th plunge into the FPGA world by ordering a
SAXO board. I do not have any trace of M$ OSes around here in my shack
too, so I will be very much interested with what you are doing.
> a. Have the Saxo enumerate as an USB Audio Class device so that I can
> leverage ALSA and Jack under Linux.
> b. Use the USB HID interface to communicate with the FX2 8051
> microcontroller.
> c. Implement a parallel port interface under the FX2 control so that I
> can control the SDR-1000.
Right now, a huge body of code to work with FX2 exists in the gnuradio
code base. If you haven't, take a look at:
It has instructions and so on to download and build the code from the
CVS. There is another project called SSRP
(http://oscar.dcarr.org/ssrp/) which also reuses some of the FX2 code
from gnuradio project. I have this tiny board which contains the FX2
and a daughtercard with highspeed ADC.
But later I discovered QSD and it sounds like the best way to do SDR to me.
Please keep posted. At this point I don't have a SAXO board with me
yet, but I hope I will join your efforts soon.
73, Ramakrishnan - VU3RDD