To: "'Xylo-SDR Discussion'" <> Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:31 PM Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Questions - Enclosure - MB - Kicad
Phil ThanksDesigner Group: Be forwarned or speak your peace. Project board size is now4"x4" with buss connector opposite 'external real-world connections' Leon - Don't forget some status leds and perhaps a PB (reset?).
I was going to make my board 80 mm x 100 mm (half Eurocard). Should I change it to 4" x 4"?
I'll include some LEDs.I've found that Farnell stocks the SRAM, I'll order a couple. I've created the part and added it to the design, but I'm not sure of the footprint (I guessed the pad sizes). I'll see if it is on the IPC site.
73, Leon