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Re: [Xylo-SDR] ATLAS Decisions to be made
On 2/23/06, Lyle Johnson <kk7p@wavecable.com> wrote:
> > From my perspective I'm thinking the 2 layer 6 slot variant makes the
> > most sense to me.
> I tend to agree, but I wonder if we're not doing the LVDS bus on the
> backplane, why don't we just use an existing backplane designed for
> Eurocards?
The cost of the backplane will probably be prohibitive. Vector makes
a six slot, spaced at 0.800" in 3U size - PN VMEBP6J1 The last price
I had on it was around $200 as I recall...
> If we're not going for the Aria case, then what case will the 6-slot
> motherboard fit into? Do such cases tend to favor the normal Eurocard
> length of 160mm rather than our shortened 100mm length?
I need to look at the Aria case, but it might be possible to still fit
the 6 slot into the case. A six slot backplane 3U wide with 0.800"
spacing would be less than 150 mm long (<6").
I think the important demension is the 3U width. The height of the
plug-in cards can vary I would think. 3U100 was just a choice based
on area vs cost.
73 de Phil C