To: "Xylo-SDR Discussion" <> Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:10 PM Subject: Re: [Xylo-SDR] Questions - Enclosure - MB - Kicad
Leon, If we are actually going with the 4x4" size (or is it 100x100mm???), you will have plenty of extra board area on the Cyclone II board. Please consider putting in a maybe 2"x4" "kludge" area on the board for prototyping. The PCB pattern would be the same as they use on the eurocard prototyping cards.
It'll actually be 100 mm x 80 mm. It's going to be quite an expensive board (4 layer) so I'd rather not have a prototyping area on it. I feel it would be better to have a cheap double-sided board on the same bus for prototyping.
73, Leon