On 1/24/06, Eric Ellison <ecellison@comcast.net> wrote:
> The buss stuff really all
> started to unravel when Phil_C said he needed
an FPGA on the Radio board due
> to the probable lack of capability of the buss to carry the A/D and other
> high speed sigs to and from the Lionheart. Bill KD5TFD and I sort of said
> the same thing Saturday: "If we can't leverage the Lionheart for all buss
> mounted FPGA projects now and in the future,
what is the point of the buss?"
Gosh, this is really getting tiring... Really, please get away from
the idea that a FPGA or CPLD is some special kind of magic thing... It
is just a chip that can replace a board full of other logic chips.
People don't think twice when we are using the Wolfson/TI ADC and
another TI ADC/DAC on the same board. And people happily put two
Analog Devices DDS chips on a board to get a quadrature LO... But God
forbid if I mention using more than one FPGA ;-)
> Cecil suggested a .100 pin header to which we would attach a twisted pair
> to a single pair block going from board to board. It is a good idea for a
> couple of pairs of pins, but if we need 16 pair or probably more, it is a
> little impractical, but do-able.
We only need a couple of high speed lines, not 16.
Phil C
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