HPSDR Publications
David Larsen, KV0S. 2017. Development and Design of Firmware Programming Tools for the openHPSDR Hardware. TAPR DCC Proceedings, St. Louis, MO 2017 URL: in TAPR DCC Proceedings, St. Louis, MO
Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI. 2015. Hands on SDR. QEX 2015(2):9-19. URL: QEX Journal
Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI. 2014. High Performance Software Defined Radio Project. QEX 2014(5):1-13. URL: QEX Journal
Steve Ireland, VK6VZ and Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2013. SDR Futures (Part 1) www.rsgb.org RadComm 2013.
Steve Ireland, VK6VZ and Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2013. SDR Futures (Part 2) Using the SDR Server architecture with cheap, small computers such as the Raspberry Pi - and looking at the future of SDR. www.rsgb.org RadComm 2013(9):33-35.
Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2012. The Moxon Claw revisited (part 1) www.rsgb.org RadComm 2012(10):.
Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2012. The Moxon Claw revisited (part 2) www.rsgb.org RadComm 2012(11):36-39.
Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2012. Chirp Modulation: A sophisticated radar-like technique for propagation study that makes 100W act like 100 megawatts www.rsgb.org RadComm 2012(3):32-38.
Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI. 2012. High Performance Software Defined Radio -- A Open Source Design. Open Hardware Journal 1(2):3-18. URL: OpenHardware.org/Journal
Jeremy McDermond, NH6Z. 2011. High-Performance Software-defined Radio for Experimentors: The OpenHPSDR Project has a place for you! CQ Magazine November 2011, 22-28. CQ Amateur Radio Magazine
Doug Grant, K1DG. 2011. Ham radio in the 21st century, Electronics Design, Strategy, News November 3, 2011, 27-32. URL: www.edn.com
Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2011. The Chirp Beacon Mode. Dubus 4(2011) www.dubus.org
Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2010. Software defined radio: The Hermes stat of the art single board SDR transceiver. RadCom 86(05):28-29. URL: www.rsgb.org
Phil Harman, VK6APH, 2008. Software defined radio: Protecting receiver front ends. RadCom 84(09):58-59. URL: www.rsgb.org
Chirp Papers
Tom McDermott, N5EG. 2015. Measuring the Ionosphere at vertical incidence using Hermes, Alex, and Munin Open HPSDR and Gnuradio. (Digital Communication Conference. 2015. TAPR)
Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2012. Chirp Modulation: A sophisticated radar-like technique for propagation study that makes 100W act like 100 megawatts www.rsgb.org RadComm 2012(3):32-38.
J. R. Klauder, A. C. Price, S. Darlington and W. J. Albersheim. 1960. The Theory and Design of Chirp Radars. The Bell System Technical Journal, 39(4)745-808. Bell Lab arechive. Now at IEEE server.
Andrew Martin, VK3OE/VK3OER. Adventures with a bistatic chirp and CW radar. Amateur Radio Magazine (WIA) (2012)11 www.wia.org.aui
Andrew Martin, VK3OE/VK3OER. Adventures With A Chirp and CW Radar. Dubus 4(2012) www.dubus.org
Phil Harman, VK6APH. 2011. The Chirp Beacon Mode. Dubus 4(2011) www.dubus.org