High Performance Software Defined Radio

An Open Source Design


License NCL
Author Phil, N8VB
in kit form from TAPR


July 14, 2006: TAPR now is taking orders for the 2nd round of Atlas boards and currently expects shipments to begin in mid-August. They also have the parts kit to populate the PCB.

June 20, 2006: The first production order for the Atlas board was mailed to those ordering them. Future runs of this board should be available from TAPR.

Atlas - the backplane

Atlas picture

About the Atlas Module

The Atlas is a passive backplane that all other modules plug into. The circuit board has provision for up to six DIN41612 connectors at 0.8 inch spacing. An ATX 20 pin power connector is fitted to the board so that 12v, 5v, 3.3v etc. supplies from a standard PC power supply can be used for power. Since such power supplies are in plentiful supply, both new and surplus, this neatly solves the power supply requirements. The DIN connector spacing and board size have been chosen such that the backplane can fit into a standard PC enclosure. The various links for the Atlas board can be found in the wiki.

The project leader for Atlas is Phil, N8VB.

Link to Wiki

Our HPSDR Wiki will contain the latest news, links, files, etc. for the Atlas backplane. Here is the direct link to the HPSDR Wiki: ATLAS

Link to Documents

Here is the direct link to the Atlas Documents:

Support Documents

Some Photos

Atlas picture