High Performance Software Defined Radio

An Open Source Design


License NCL
Author Phil, VK6APH


Cyclops - 0 to 1 GHz Spectrum Analyzer and Tracking Generator

About Cyclops

An exciting new use for HPSDR: This 0-1 GHz Spectrum Analyzer and tracking generator is largely based on Scotty's Spectrum Analyser [SSA] http://wsprowls.no-ip.com/ssab.html but with a 50MHz second IF based around Mercury or QuickSilver. -- please see the HPSDRwiki at link below for current details.

The project leader for Phil VK6APH.

Link to Wiki

Our HPSDR Wiki will contain the latest news, links, files, etc. for Cyclops. Here is the direct link to the HPSDR Wiki: CYCLOPS