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This page contains Production and errata information for HPSDR Projects.
Documents on this webpage unless otherwise specified, are released under Noncommercial Open Hardware License. Builders can make copies for noncommercial use but the authors using NCL maintain the commercial copyright (see http://www.tapr.org/NCL) for details.
File released under the OHL are explicity marked Open Hardware License.
HPSDR Manuals
Atlas Backplane |
Ozymandias USB interface
- Ozy production schematic, Rev B (TAPR build), Released under NCL 1.0
- Ozy USB Utilities/Drivers
- Ozy production test (TAPR build)
- Bootloader instructions
- Ozy comes with the bootloader installed and the firmware is reloaded in volatile memory each time the computer software (powerSDR, Kiss Konsole, ghpsdr, et.c) is started. The procedure in this PDF is for those that have lost or never had a bootloader on the Ozy board. The symptoms are that the Ozy board does not answer the start up commands.
Magister USB interface
- Magister/Ozy differences
- Magister production schematic, Rev B (TAPR build), Released under OHL
- Magister production PCB files, Rev A (TAPR build), Released under OHL
- Magister production BOM files, Rev A (TAPR build), Released under OHL
Metis Ethernet interface
- Metis production schematic, Rev A2 (TAPR build)
- Metis User Manual
- Metis - How it works
- HPSDRprogrammer for Metis and firmware on the Download webpage
Janus A/D
- D/A
- Janus production schematic, Rev XC11 (TAPR build)
- Janus production BOM, Rev A (TAPR build)
- Janus known errata/rework
- Janus production test (TAPR build)
Penelope Transmitter
- Penelope production schematic, Rev A (TAPR build), Released under OHL
- Penelope production BOM, Rev A (TAPR build)
- Penelope production PCB files, Rev A (TAPR build)
- Penelope known errata/rework
- Penelope production test (TAPR build)
Pennylane Transmitter
- Pennylane schematic, Rev B, Released under OHL
- PennyLane production PCB files, Rev B (TAPR build)
- Pennylane production schematic, Rev B (iQuadLabs build)
- Pennylane production BOM, Rev A (iQuadLabs build)
- Pennylane production PCB files, Rev B (iQuadLabs build)
Mercury Receiver
- Mercury production schematic, Rev A (TAPR build)
- Mercury production BOM, Rev A (TAPR build)
- Mercury known errata/rework
- Mercury production test (TAPR build)
HPSDR Test Fixture Cable
(for Ozy, Janus, Penelope, Mercury)
LPU Power Supply
- LPU production schematic, Rev B (TAPR kit)
- LPU production BOM, Rev B (TAPR kit)
- LPU build notes
- LPU known errata/rework
Excalibur |
Hermes |
PennyWhistle |
- Documentation
- Alex RX production schematic, Rev B, PCB marked
"P-1 VER 4.0" (TAPR build), Released under NCL 1.0
- Alex TX production schematic, Rev B, PCB marked
"Ver P1.1" (TAPR build), Released under NCL 1.0
- Alex cable drawings (TAPR build)
- Alex RX/TX combined production BOM, Rev B (TAPR build)