HPSDR Downloads
This program is used to load FPGA firmware on the Metis ethernet interface board or Hermes board. It will also program the Penelope, Pennylane, and Mercury boards as well, using the Metis board. The current firmware can be found below. You will find the Metis and Hermes documentation on the Document or Support webpages.
HPSDRProgrammer and HPSDRBootloader Software
These Programmers use the pcap Library. By license you must install this library yourself. For Window install Winpcap Library. The WinPcap now supports Windows 8.
For Linux simply install "libpcap" from the repository.:x
This programmer will work with all RBF firmware for HPSDR boards with an ethernet connector. No jumper setting required. It will reset the IP address as well, if Metis V2.5 or Hermes V2.3 RBF or greater is installed.
- OpenHPSDR Programmers (Original Protocol)
- Code at Github: https://github.com/TAPR/OpenHPSDR-Original-Programmers/
This is the program that works with all firmware and will function as a JTAG programmer for Mercury, Pennylane, and Penelope boards. This program will also reset IP address but requires the Metis J1 jumper set or the Hermes and Angelia J12 jumper set.
- HPSDRBootloader Windows installer Version -- 2015-1-31 -- Release Notes
- HPSDRBootloader Linux Debian gzip tar for 64 bit Version -- 2015-1-31 -- Release Notes
For more information, see the Metis or Hermes Manuals Documents webpage.
If you have a Ozy or Magister boards these boards load their firmware on software start up. The other boards can be load with a Altera USB Blaster
- Firmware (protocol1) files for HPSDR Boards
- Metis firmware
- Mercury firmware
- Penelope firmware
- Ozy_Janus firmware
- Metis firmware
- Firmware files for Hermes
- Hermes firmware
- Radio Software Binaries and links to Source
- Software last updated: Sat Nov 4 11:10:02 UTC 2017
This code is under active development, The binaries are for the most basic confirguation, if you have trouble and you have the ability for compile the code on your machine, please use the Subversion address below.
There are also many special use programs offered by members of the openhpsdr community. Please follow the instruction on the their Wiki pages, If you want to use their code. The code offered here is a simple configuration to get you started.
This is where the volunteer programmers store their current code. Most of these files are works in progress, for stable releases see the links above. We are in the process of migrating the repository from out SVN to Github. We Thank TAPR for their help in this process.
Github: https://github.com/TAPR/ Our Projects are Labeled OpenHPSDR
Github: https://github.com/TAPR/