Magister - interface module
About the Magister Module
The project leader for the Magister board is Lyle Johnson, KK7P
Magister is an FPGA based interface controller card that provides a high-speed USB 2.0 interface for the Atlas bus, as well as limited additional I/O lines intended for radio control (e.g., bandswitching, CW paddle and so forth). It uses the same Altera Cyclone II FPGA as Ozy and is capable of running the current Ozy code (as of 19 September 2009).
The USB interface uses a Cypress FX2 chip, supporting full duplex USB communications at > 30MB/s.
Magister Development History
Magister prototype in operation with Mercury
The project was undertaken by KK7P in mid-summer 2009. Three prototypes were constructed by early September 2009. Magister loads and runs current HPSDR code. Further testing is underway as this is written (19 September 2009).
Magister is initially released under the TAPR NCL until TAPR has an opportunity to build an initial quantity and distribute them.
Design material are available on hamsdr.
- PCB files :
- Schematic :
- Bill of Materials :
- Schematic :
Magister initial production has concluded, the PCB materials are be posted complete, and the entire design is released under the TAPR OHL.
Link to Wiki
Our HPSDR Wiki will contain the latest news, links, files, etc. for Magister. Here is the direct link to the HPSDR Wiki: MAGISTER
Link to Documents
Here is the direct link to the Magister Documents: