High Performance Software Defined Radio

An Open Source Design


License NCL
Author Lyle, KK7P
in kit form from TAPR


Pinocchio - the extender

Pinocchio photo

About the Pinocchio Module

Pinocchio is an extender card to allow measurements and troubleshooting of an active card in an ATLAS backplane. Test points are provided to allow access to every backplane signal, and the test points are located well above the standard module height. The test points are clearly labeled.

The project leader for the board is Lyle, KK7P

Link to Wiki

Our HPSDR Wiki will contain the latest news, links, files, etc. for Pinocchio. Here is the direct link to the HPSDR Wiki: PINOCCHIO

Link to Documents

Here is the direct link to the Pinocchio Documents:


Pinocchio photo