Hermes - A DUC/DDC Transceiver

About the Hermes Module
Following the outstanding success of Mercury and Penelope, and while investigating the verilog code for both, I had the insane idea of merging the verilog code of Mercury and Penelope into a single fpga! I played around with this idea for a while and the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea.
So here is the proposal, to develop a single board HPSDR based on the hardware of Mercury and Penelope and a single large fpga.
This board would have PC connectivity by USB. I'm planning to squeeze this all onto Euro Card sized PCB (100 x 160 mm), and if I utilize both sides I might even have room for a Pennywhistle type PA.
Basic specs so far (nothing cast in stone) Fpga EP3C25Q240C or EP3C40Q240 (I think this is the largest without BGA pin out)
- Mercury receive chain
- Penelope transmit chain, possible small change to gain distribution
- (Dropped August, 2010) USB2 to PC data transfer
- ethernet interface to PC
- Pennywhistle PA (if there’s room)
- 10Mhz ext an option
- Alex filter switching header
- 2.8W stereo audio PA
- 13.5V supply
Following the tradition of the HPSDR naming convention, I thought Hermes was appropriate as he was known for his invention and theft!
The project leader for the Hermes module is Kevin, MOKHZ.
Link to Wiki
Our HPSDR Wiki will contain the latest news, links, files, etc. for Hermes. Here is the direct link to the HPSDR Wiki: HERMES