HPSDR Presentations
Friedrichshafen 2019Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje DK5HH, Markus Heller DL8RDS, 2019. SDR Academy, Welcome and Introduction. (link)
Alex Csete OZ9AEC, Sheila Christiansen, 2019. Evaluation of SDR boards and toolchains under realistic conditions from an open-source satellite communications point of view. (link)
Erwin Rauh DL1FY, Edwin Richter DC9OE, Markus Grundner DG8MG, Markus Gro?er, DL8GM, 2019. Build up your own Charly25 SDR Transceiver with Red Pitaya STEMlab 122-16: System Performance measurements and the new integrated software features. (link)
Prof. Dr. Joe Taylor K1JT, 2019. Welcome Address and Questions & Answers. (link)
Prof. Dr. Michael Hartje DK5HH, 2019. Digital signal processing for the detection of noise disturbances in the ENAMS system (link)
Manolis Surligas SV9SFC, Pierros Papadeas 2019. SDR Makerspace: Exploit SDR technology for Space Communications (link)
Christoph Mayer DL1CH 2019. KiwiSDR as a new GNURadio Source (link)
Mack McCormick, W4AX 2019. FlexRadio: SDR Technology that Will Change How you Operate HF (link)
Mario Lorenz DL5MLO 2019. The AMSAT-DL/QARS Ground Stations for Qatar-Oscar 100 (link)
Dr. Carles Fernandez 2019. An Open Source Global Navigation Satellite Systems Software-Defined Receiver (link)
Markus Heller DL8RDS 2019. A Summary (link)
Dayton Hamvention 2019TAPR Forum - Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI Moderator
Steve Bible,N7HPR, 2019. TAPR Forum Welcome (link)
Bruce Perens, K6BP, 2019. Introducing Open Research Institute (link)
Bryan Hoyer, K7UDR, 2019. Digital Radio Amateur Workstation (DRAWS) (link)
Dr. Nathan Frissell, W2NAF, 2019. Introducing HamSCI (link)
SDR Forum - Steve Hicks, N5AC Moderator
Scotty Cowling,WA2DFI, 2019. TangerineSDR, a Modular SDR for HamSCI, Satellite, Experimenters and Academics (link)
Steve Hicks, N5AC, 2019. multiFLEX (link)
HamSCI Forum - Dr. Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, Moderator
Dr. Nathaniel Frissell,W2NAF, 2019. What is HamSCI? (link)
Stana Horzepa,WA1LOU, 2019. Write for PSR (link)
Steve Cerwin,WA5FRF, 2019. Disturbances at Dawn, Dusk, and During the 2017 Eclipse
Dr. Phil Erickson,W1PJE, 2019. IonTV: Using WWV Timing Reference Signals to Observe Ionospheric Variation (link)
Ethan Grace and George Lemaster, WB5OYP, 2019. Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SIDs) and Personal Space Weather Stations (link)
Scotty Cowling,WA2DFI, 2019. Update on Personal Space Weather Station (PSWS) Hardware (link)
Friedrichshafen 2018Warren Pratt, NR0V, 2018. What's new
Phil Harman, VK6PH, 2018. Status of DFC ( Direct Fourier Conversion)
John Melton, G0ORX, 2018. An update on OpenHPSDR software for Linux
Rüdiger Möller, DJ1MR, 2018. Transmitter architectures for high efficiency amplification
Laurence Baker G8NJJ and Kjell Karlsen, LA2NI, 2018. A control console for PC Based SDR
TAPR DCC St. Louis 2017Dave Larsen, KV0S, 2017. Development and Design of Firmware Programming Tools for the openHPSDR Hardware (Youtube) On Ham Radio Now site.
Friedrichshafen 2016Warren Pratt, NR0V, 2016. Advanced Algorithms for Noise Blanking and Noise Reduction (MP4) Modified with Slides from talk.
Phil Harman, VK6PH, 2016. Direct Fourier Conversion - An alternative architecture for SDRs (MP4) Modified with Slides from talk.
John Melton, G0ORX, 2016. Stand-alone HPSDR Transceiver using low-cost processors (MP4) Modified with Slides from talk.
Adam Farson, VA7OJ, 2016. Evaluating Digital Receivers (MP4) Modified with Slides from talk.
Dayton Hamvention 2016
TAPR Forum - Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI, Moderator
Corey Shields,KB9JHU, 2016. SatNogs (link)
Bryan Fields, W9CR, 2016. High Speed IP Ham Radio (link)
Chris Testa, KD2BMH, 2016. SDR_Disrupt (link)
Mike Ossmann, AD0NR, 2016. HackRF Update (link)
SDR Forum - Steve Hicks, N5AC Moderator
Scotty Cowling,WA2DFI, 2016. Why SDR (link)
Jared Boone,AF7SO, 2016. Portapack (link)
Steve Hicks, N5AC, 2016. Update on things at FlexRadio (link)
Dayton Hamvention 2015TAPR Forum - Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI, Moderator
Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI; Steve Bible, N7HPR, Steve Ford, WB8IMY ; 2015. Introduction, New at TAPR, Write an Article (link)
Bill Curtice, WA8APB, 2015. Hamnet Mesh: Consider the Possibilities, Introduction (link)
Bob Dixon, W8ERD, 2015. Hamnet Mesh: Consider the Possibilities, Demonstration
Bryan Fields, W9CR, 2015. High Speed IP Ham Radio (link)
Chris Testa, KD2BMH, 2015. Whitebox Project: New Charlie Prototype (link)
Mike Ossmann, AD0NR, 2015. Spectrum Monitoring with Software Defined Radio (link)
SDR Forum - Steve Hicks, N5AC Moderator
Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI, 2015. The In and Outs of Internet Connected Radios (link)
Dave Hershberger, W9GR, 2015. Controlled Envelope Single Sideband (CESSB) (pdf)
Steve Hicks, N5AC, 2015. Update on things at FlexRadio (link)
SDR Panel Discussion, 2015. SDR Panel
PacificCon 2014John Westmoreland, AJ6BC, 2014. High Performance Software Defined Radio (pdf)
Warren Pratt, NR0V, 2014. Topics in Open High Performance Software Defined Radio (pdf)
Friedrichshafen 2014
Warren Pratt, NR0V, 2014. WDSP - a new DSP - core for SDRs (MP4)
As digital hardware advances in speed and density, new opportunities arise to use these advancements in SDRs. Doing so mandates new software architectures with the parallelism and flexibility to achieve the possible benefits. The overall architecture, application, and some functional features of the new WDSP library will be discussed. WDSP is being deployed this year in our HPSDR radios. (WDSP mit neuer Software-Architektur bietet zusammen mit leistungsfähigerer Hardware bemerkenswerte Vorteile).
John Milton, G0ORX/N6LYT, 2014. Android HPSDR (MP4)
Development of an Android application to work with HPSDR and the porting of WDSP and FFTW to run in the Android environment.(John portierte WDSP und FFTW auf die Linux- Platform zur Verwendung von HPSDR mit smartphones und tablets)
Phil Harman, VK6APH, 2014. Chirp - an advanced beacon project using weak signal detection (MP4)
There are still a number of long distance paths that have not been worked on the VHF and UHF bands. An example of this is the path between Western Australia (VK6) and South Africa (ZS). A new beacon modulation mode has been developed that provides Effective System Powers in the order of 100MW. Phil will explain how this new mode works and the design of the equipment that is being installed in VK6 and ZS. (Eine radarähnliche, digitale Übertragungstechnik ermöglicht das Detektieren von Signal bis 50 dB unter dem Rauschen. Fûr eine 2 m Bake soll dies auf der Strecke VK - ZS beschrieben werden)
Warren Pratt, NR0V, 2014. Digital Predistortion linearizes RF amplifiers (MP4)
Receiver technology has advanced to the point that the limiting factor in reception is now very often the "dirty" signals from transmitters on nearby frequencies. Digital Predistortion provides a means to dramatically reduce the "splatter" from transmitters by automatically linearizing their analog amplifiers. Topics to be discussed are: (1) Why is predistortion important? (2) What is adaptive baseband digital predistortion? and (3) How is it accomplished in HPSDR. (Intermodulationsarme AFU-Sender sind längst Überfällig. Predistortion ist die höchst effiziente Lösung für moderne DDC/DUC-SDR Konzepte)
Hermann von Hasseln, DL3HVH, 2014. Digital Predistortion linearizes RF amplifiers (MP4)
A short resume on the cuSDR-Console will be given: what has been achieved so far, what are the latest developments, like the Tx path, WDSP integration, and more. An overview over the short-term goals, as well as on mid-term goals are given. (Ein Überblick über die neuesten Entwicklungen der CuSDR-Konsole)
Phil Harman, VK6APH, 2014. Future prospectives of HPSDR (MP4)
The Atlas based SDR Transceiver has given many experimenters their first experience of this exciting technology. Since its first introduction in 2006 the performance and the features of the system has been continually improved. These improvements will continue into the future and Phil will explain some of the planned developments.
Tom McDermott, N5EG. 2013. 2013 DCC HPSDR update
Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI. and Jeremy McDermont, NH6Z. 2012. 2012 DCC HPSDR update
Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI. 2011. 2011 DCC HPSDR update on youtube.
Jeremy McDermond, NH6Z. 2011 HPSDR Overview Dayton 2011.
HPSDR talks at Dayton 2010
Phil Harman. VK6APH. 2008. Fully Digital HF Radios Dayton Hamvention 2008
Phil Harman. VK6APH. 2008. Phasing Techniques in the Digital Age At QRP FDIM 2008
Frank Brickle. AB2KT. 2008. SDR in the Clouds Dayton Hamvention 2008
Scotty Cowling. WA2DFI. 2008. High Performance Software Defined Radio Dayton Hamvention 2008.
Phil Harman. VK6APH. 2007. A simple Approach to Learning Digital Signal Processing Dayton Hamvention 2007
Alex Shovkoplyas. VE3NEA. 2007. Rocky, a View from Inside and Out Dayton Hamvention 2007