Penelope - HF 1/2-watt Exciter === Pennylane - HF 1/2-watt Exciter
About the Penelope Module
Penelope (DUCk) 1/2-watt transmitter/exciter board is a good companion to the Mercury HF direct sampling receiver board.
The Atlas (bus) compatible Penelope transmitter uses Digital Up Conversion (DUC) techniques and process the I and Q signal from the PC (or Sasquatch DSP board) directly without the need for a sound card.
Pennylane is a Penelope update with the only difference how the output power is controled. Pennylane is idential to the transmitter on the Hermes board.
The project leader for the board is Phil VK6APH with KK7P doing the PCB layout.
Link to Wiki
Our HPSDR Wiki will contain the latest news, links, files, etc. for Penelope. Here is the direct link to the HPSDR Wiki: PENELOPE
Link to Documents
Here is the direct link to the Penelope Documents: